• Date:
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Venue: Online
  • Categories:
  • Presenter: Nicki Hauser
  • Topics Covered:
    • Strategic Planning
  • Price: $0.00

In this free, 30 minute webinar, you will discover how to develop clear strategic priorities to form the foundation of your strategic planning process and help your association prioritise what needs to be done, when.

Research shows that one of the biggest challenges that most smaller membership associations face is lack of strategy.

In this free 30 minute webinar, FineHaus director Nicki Hauser explains how to develop strategic priorities that form the heart of your association’s strategic plan and provide a clear guide for prioritising your initiatives and activities in a environment where there is never enough time, money or resources to do everything!

You will discover:

  • what are strategic priorities (and why you need them)
  • how they fit within the strategic planning process
  • a simple team exercise to help you develop strategic priorities for your association
  • how strategic priorities will help you prioritise what needs to be done, when.

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