Strategic Planning | Western Alliance
FineHaus worked with Western Alliance Academic Health Science Centre and Network on the development of its strategic plan. Western Alliance is a partnership of the 12 major health service organisations operating across the western region of Victoria and the Western Victoria Primary Health Network, Deakin University and Federation University Australia. Western Alliance was established in 2014 to improve the impact, quality and quantity of health research, education and training in the western region. The strategic plan will guide the next three years of its operations.
The rigorous process for developing the strategic plan included extensive background research, 1:1 interviews with key stakeholders, a strategic planning workshop and the documentation of a three-year strategic plan for the Western Alliance.
Strategic planning is inherently challenging for an alliance of organisations such as ours, each with its own set of priorities – a challenge Nicki Hauser readily accepted. Nicki took the time to understand the core purpose of our organisation and then through phone interviews canvassed perspectives across the range of disparate stakeholders in our network to develop and deliver a highly productive strategic planning session.
Her preparation was invaluable, and we appreciated her steady hand as Nicki guided our board of directors in determining the organisation’s priorities for the next 3–5 years as well as articulating an implementation plan for achieving them.
Nicki and FineHaus Management come highly recommended, and I sincerely congratulate and commend them for the depth of expertise and professionalism afforded to this assignment.
Dr Renée Otmar, Executive Officer, Western Alliance Academic Health Science Centre