Due to COVID-19, many associations have shifted their event program to online webinars and have cancelled, postponed or delayed making decisions about their face to face conference until the situation becomes clearer. As those of us based in Melbourne suffering through the ‘second wave’ of COVID-19 restrictions know only too well, the only thing that […]
Top 10 Take-Aways from AuSAE’s ACE Conference
Another action packed Australasian Society for Association Executives (AuSAE) ACE Conference drew to a close in sunny Brisbane yesterday, living up to its promise to help members ‘uphold traditions and create the future’. The hands-down highlight of ACE for me was the keynote speaker Gus Balbontin, who exploded on stage, delivering an energetic, inspiring key […]
The power of a membership promise to attract new members
When a prospective member asks you or someone from your membership association “why should I join” – what do you say? If a prospective member visits your website to check your association out before deciding to join, as most will do these days, what does your website say about why they should join? What does […]
4 Key Insights for Membership Associations from AuSAE’s #ACE18
The team at FineHaus recently had the pleasure of attending the Australasian Society for Association Executives’ ACE 2018 Conference at the Adelaide Convention Centre, aptly themed “Ignite Your Thinking“. As we have come to expect from AuSAE, the conference was packed with insights for associations from a broad range of speakers. Here are four key insights […]
What makes your members satisfied – and just how satisfied are they?
How to measure member satisfaction and engagement at your association By definition, membership associations exist to serve their members – so ensuring your members are satisfied and engaged is a key strategic priority for every association. It seems obvious that, in order to deliver on this strategic priority, you need to know how just how […]
4 key drivers of member engagement
All membership associations are striving to achieve highly engaged members – those who value their membership and rate overall performance of their association highly. Not only are these members happier – they are also much more likely to recommend your association to others, use your services and to renew their memberships each year. Every association […]
The intersection of strategy, culture and behaviour
3 Key Lessons from the 2017 ALPMA Summit Last week, Connie and I worked at the 2017 ALPMA Summit ‘Sailing the 4Cs’, the largest legal management conference and trade exhibition in the Southern Hemisphere and the culmination of many months of hard slog by a dedicated team. This year’s Summit focused on how to build […]
10 Excellent Association Governance Resources
There are some excellent online resources available to help membership associations understand their governance obligations that we thought were well worth sharing Not-For-Profit Law has put together an excellent list of resources for community not-for-profits. In the list below, we have picked out eight that we thought were particularly applicable for membership associations, and added in […]
Membership Growth and Engagement: How Does Your Association Compare?
US-based membership marketers, Marketing General Incorporated, conduct annual, free research for membership associations and 2017 marks the ninth year of this research. While most participating associations are American, it makes interesting reading for anyone trying to achieve membership growth. Better still, the report is freely available from their website. Download MGI’s 2017 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report. This […]
4 strategies to manage high conflict personalities at work
People with ‘high conflict personalities’ exist in many associations. In this post, guest blogger, Sarah Somerset from Worklogic, shares four key strategies to help you best manage high conflict personalities at work. Do you work with someone who: Aggressively blames others when problems occur? Abuses people and makes unreasonable demands? Lies or exaggerates to get […]